Lavender Soap, Lotions, and More


We have been busy the last few months planning and refining several new products that people have been requesting since we started Menkveld Farm. We are excited to have some available in time for the upcoming holiday season!

Lavender Goat Milk Soap

Soap has by far been our most requested item the last several years, so we are now excited to be offering lavender goat’s milk soap. Our soap base is 10% goat’s milk, which gives it a smooth, creamy feeling.

Body Butter

Body butter was one of the first products we began to make for our family instead of purchasing at a store. We have been refining our recipe for several years now and can’t image using anything else at this point.

Lotion Bars

I love having lotion bars for my daughter! She is at such a fun stage where she wants to help and be just like mom and dad, so the lotion bars are perfect for her! She can help put on lotion after bath time, and I don’t have to worry about her making a mess. These lotion bars are also extremely convenient for travelling. I store individual lotion bars in a small tin, which fits easily in my purse when I am out and about or in my cosmetic bag when travelling.

Heirloom Luffas

One advantage of living in the South is the long growing season we enjoy, which is perfect for growing luffas! Luffas are a type of gourd that grows on extremely long vines, and when the gourd dries, it leaves luxurious and soft fibers that are perfect for exfoliating your skin. You can choose between our premium luffas, which are nice and symmetrical as they come from the center of our gourd and are ideal for gifts, or choose from our B-grade luffas which will have more variation in their shape, but still provide the same quality experience. All the luffas we sell are 5”-6” in length and grown on the farm.


We are also offering some pre-assembled gift sets for the holidays! Many of our gift options allow you to customize what items are included, as well as give you the option to add a personalized note for the recipient. We can also do custom gift boxes if you would like a different combination of options in your package. Plus any purchases over $35 come with free shipping!

Elizabeth Menkveld