The Ducks are Back!


So a while back, we had the unfortunate experience I knew was almost inevitable, but hoped wouldn’t happen for a long time, we had a raccoon visit our flock of ducks. For a variety of reasons, we decided to wait to add ducks back into the mix of things at Menkveld Farm.

Over the last few months though we have intermittently brought up getting ducks again. Our daughter absolutely loves animals and we missed the fresh eggs every day. Plus the ducks were very entertaining! We kept holding off though because of different projects and commitments that were keeping us busy. However, in mid-March we finally pulled the trigger and bought three grown ducks.

The thing we were most excited about though with our new ducks was introducing our daughter to them:

It has been so much fun watching our daughter spend time with the ducks, and we hope to add some ducklings to the mix next spring when she is a bit older and can help take care of them some more!


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